Health and Wellness
The Health and Wellness Committee is a health care ministry of the Church which encourages individual’s physical, emotional, spiritual, and social well-being in the context of their relationship to God, family, and neighbor. With the help of the Parish Nurse, volunteer nurses, and a Health and Wellness Committee, the parish seeks to develop creative ways to address needs and identify resources to nurture health wellness, and healing.
Sacred Heart Parish has a Medical Emergency Response plan. Please click the link to see what to do in the case of a medical emergency.
Nurses are asked to check in with the Usher Captain before Mass so the ushers can easily locate a nurse if needed.
Pray for our military personal and their families
From the Parish Nurse
We have a Hospital Visitation Ministry which sends someone from church out Monday through Friday to visit our parishioners in the St. Cloud Hospital. We do not see many of you who have surgeries as some are at offices and clinics and so here is a prayer to say:
Prayer Before Surgery
Lord Jesus, I pray for your healing touch upon my body during my surgery.
Guide the hands of the doctor and all who assist in the surgery.
Use their skills to restore me to health and wholeness.
I ask you to remove any fear or anxiety from my mind and fill me with the peace that you alone can give.
I place myself completely in your care and love for me.
May my recovery be swift, my strength renewed, and my health restored.
Bless those, Lord, who are concerned about me today.
I need their love and support, and ask you to be with them in a special way.
Replace any fear they have with your peace.
I place it all into your hands, Lord. You are the Divine Healer. Amen.
The Sacred Heart Health & Wellness Committee meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every other month in the Gathering Space at Sacred Heart from 6:30-8:00 PM
Health is seen as an on-going process. Health is not an end in itself but an enabler. It enables us to serve and to love others. With this perspective, we have the possibility and the reality of health promotion and not just disease prevention. The Health & Wellness Advisory Committee goal is a means of involving the parish in the healing ministry of Christ and ministry to each other. It is based on the wholistic philosophy which understands the individual is an integrated whole--body, mind, and spirit--and each dimension is inextricably bound up with the whole.
Members are:
Al Brixius, Karen Kierzek, Marella Larson, Leanne Thompson, Rita Wotzka, Linda Harambasic, Carla Long, Amy Struck
Committee Leaders:
Parish Liaison: Deacon Joe Kresky, Pastoral Minister
Monthly Blood Pressure Screening: Open
Card & Calling Ministry: Karen Kierzek
AED & First Aid Oversight: Rita Wotzka
Parish Festival: Open
Take Heart Class: Open
March MN Food Share Month: Open
Advance Care Directives (Light the Legacy): Rita Wotzka and Marella Larson
Parish Nurse & H & W Committee: open position
Home Bound Communion Ministry: Al Brixius
Contact any members with ideas and suggestions to bring to the H & W Committee.